Room Description

  • Deluxe A/C Double Room

    This double bedded room is elegantly furnished and is an air-conditioned room. A telephone with direct dial facility and a cable TV are equipped in this room.null

  • A/C Double Room

    This double bedded room is elegantly furnished and is an air-conditioned room. A telephone with direct dial facility and a cable TV are equipped in this room.null

  • Air Cooled Single Room

    This single occupancy room is maintained with a king-size bed. It is equipped with an A/C, a telephone with direct dial facility and a cable TV.null

  • Air Cooled Double Room

    This air-cooled room is double bedded room iand is elegantly furnished. A telephone with direct dial facility, an A/C and a cable TV are equipped in this room.null

  • Deluxe A/C Single Room

    This double bedded room is for single occupancy and is elegantly furnished. A telephone with direct dial facility, an A/C and a cable TV are equipped in this room.null

  • A/C Single Room

    This single occupancy room is maintained with a king-size bed. It is equipped with an A/C, a telephone with direct dial facility and a cable TV.null

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